Friday, October 7, 2011

Cholesterol Does NOT Cause Arterial Plaque Buildup!

In order to successfully reduce artery plaque, you really must understand the disease process. Plaque buildup is actually the body’s defense mechanism equivalent to a scab forming over a wound on the skin. The process begins as very tiny cracks in the arterial walls. What causes these cracks? Nothing more than your heartbeat! Imagine if you turned the valve leading to your garden hose on and off 75 times per minute. The mechanical stress from the pressure of the water would eventually cause tiny cracks to form inside the walls of the hose. Cholesterol does NOT cause arterial plaque buildup or lead to increased risk of heart disease. Plaque buildup is caused by oxidation! Plaque buildup begins when the liver produces a very sticky lipoprotein called lp(a) and an adhesive protein called apo(a) in order to begin patching the damaged artery wall. Then LDL cholesterol sticks to the area to finish the repair! It is only when LDL cholesterol is oxidized that plaque begins to accumulate at the wound site. If oxidation is left unchecked, the artery walls begin to calcify. Prevention is the key! Increase nitric oxide production in the arterial walls with Liquid L-Arginine and L-Citrulline and prevent blood clots reduce artery plaque and unclog arteries. You must also supplement with antioxidants such as vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin D3, CoQ10, resveratrol and grape seed extract to prevent oxidation and aid healing of the damaged artery lining.

Cardio Protegen Liquid L-Arginine Vitamin Supplement

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